Sasol Limited Loss Form

Company: Sasol Limited

Ticker: (NYSE) SSL



Lead Plaintiff Deadline: April 06, 2020

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(i) Sasol had conducted insufficient due diligence into, and failed to account for multiple issues with, the Lake Charles Chemicals Project (“LCCP”), as well as the true cost of the project; (ii) construction and operation of the LCCP was consequently plagued by control weaknesses, delays, rising costs, and technical issues; (iii) these issues were exacerbated by Sasol’s top-level management, who engaged in improper and unethical behavior with respect to financial reporting for the LCCP and the project’s oversight; (iv) all the foregoing was reasonably likely to render the LCCP significantly more expensive than disclosed and negatively impact the Company’s financial results; and (v) as a result, the Company’s public statements were materially false and misleading at all relevant times.